Reason to invest in Japanese real estate right now!

1 Japanese real estate is cheaper than other developed countries, so gains on sale (capital gains) can be aimed

2 Despite the rise in property prices in recent years in Japan's real estate,
Because it is a relatively high yield compared to other cities, it is possible to aim at profit (income gain)

  • Japanese real estate has a higher yield than the rent because the price of the property is cheap.
  • Especially the real estate yield in Tokyo is the highest among advanced countries
  • Japan 5.02%
  • Hong Kong 2.82%
  • Singapore 2.82%
  • UK 3.21%
  • US 3.91%
  • France 2.89%

Source 『Global Property Guide』2015

  • Tokyo 3.43 %
  • New York 2.75%
  • Hong Kong 2.75%
  • Singapore 2.54%

Source:Global Property Guide 2017


3 The capabilities of Tokyo, the ability of local cities to stay beyond just Tokyo

  • Japan ranked third in the world by world country GDP ranking!
  • Tokyo is ranked first in the world by city by GDP
  • Among the top 25 living cities in the world

    Tokyo → First place for 2 consecutive years! Fukuoka → 7th place! Kyoto → 9th! Three Japanese cities enter the top 10!

  • Enhancement of urban infrastructure facilities for water supply and sewerage, gas, electricity, transportation network
  • Good security, fulfilling medical system
  • Efforts towards the establishment of an eco-nation called "Japan brand" that the government sends out to the world

4 In Japan, it is possible for everyone (individuals, corporations, foreigners) to own real estate (land and buildings) perfectly, ownership of

real estate

  • Even foreigners can acquire, possess and sell Japanese real estate as Japanese
  • Can be owned even if you are not resident in Japan, absent, without a visa
  • Tax is imposed as well as Japanese, and it is not discriminated against foreigners
  • Private property is guaranteed to all people regardless of nationality (clearly stated in the Constitution of Japan)

5 Population increase in Tokyo where concentration is concentrated

  • The population concentration in the Tokyo area is a unique phenomenon in other countries
  • The population concentration in the Tokyo area is mostly among young people
  • In terms of sightseeing tours of foreign residents visiting Japan in the area around Tokyo, Cruden route etc.

””International comparison of population concentration in the metropolitan area
Compared to the capital of foreign countries in Europe and the United States, the population ratio of the metropolitan area is high like Japan, and there are no countries that continue to rise.””