張 薇

Kato Mina

不動産調査会社 山地正朗事務所 代表 山地正朗

Hashiguchi Ryuichi

Accounting work
Real Estate Investment Brokerage Service
張 薇

Zhang Qian


Kato Mina

Born in Chiryu City, Aichi Prefecture. Graduated from Meiji University School of Law. Graduated from East Anglia Graduate School in the UK.


Ryuichi Hashiguchi

I am from Saitama prefecture. Engaged in trading brokerage business for real estate and real estate purchase for 17 years. We have abundant transaction record with managers such as real estate · construction companies, developers, food and drink industry etc.


Accounting / Real Estate Investment Brokerage

Zhang Qian

She graduated from Xi'an city, China, graduated from Northwest China University in 2002 acquired a master's degree in Nagoya University Graduate Economics, received a unit at the 2005 Nagoya University doctoral course and withdrew from maturity. Currently engaged in accounting and real estate investment brokerage

Front door partner

Land house investigator
Sakai Satoshi office
土地家屋調査士 酒井里始事務所 代表

Satoshi Sakai

Real estate research company
Masaro Yamaji Office
不動産調査会社 山地正朗事務所 代表 山地正朗

Masaaki Yamaji

Representative of Land House Investigator Representative Ryo Sakai Representative Office

Satoshi Sakai
  1. March 1972 Graduated from Toyohashi High School of Aichi Prefecture
  2. March 1942 Joined Kondo Kabushiki Co., Ltd.
  3. May, 2009 Retired Kondo Corporation
  4. June 2010 Establishment of Sakai Riho office landowner surveyor

Affiliated company / office

Satoshi Sakai office


Real estate research company Masao Yamaji representative office

Masaro Yamaji

Born in Chigasaki-shi, Kanagawa prefecture in 1970, raised in Fujisawa city

Former Land Transportation Officer
  1. ・Land evaluation on public land acquisition Understand, adjust, negotiate rights relationship Registration clerk etc. General compensation business
  2. ・Real estate industry administration (Home enterprise · Condominium management business minister license examination examination, administrative guidance, supervisory disposition)
  3. ・Lending of state-owned land, calculation of selling price (Inheritance Tax Land Evaluation Based on Basic Evaluation of Property Evaluation)

In addition, Judicial scrivener office engaged in real estate registration business. Then appraised by a real estate company, involved in collateral evaluation practice at a certain bank

Administrative scrivener who is familiar with the real estate industry who accumulates careers related to real estate and performs duties related to real-estate due diligence

Affiliated company / office

Real Estate Investigation Company Masao Yamaji Office


Inquiry form

First of all, please do not hesitate to contact us.

お客様情報 * 必須

お名前 *
Eメール *

投資用物件  自己使用物件

購入時期 出来るだけ早く1ヶ月以内3ヶ月以内6ヶ月以内希望の物件が見つかったら
支払い方法 現金  ローン
ご希望の物件種類 一棟マンション一棟ビルアパート店舗・事務所区分所有マンション投資用戸建*複数選択可
築年数 新築築3年以内築5年以内築10年以内気にしない
間取り ワンルーム1K1DK1LDK2LDK3LDK4LDK5LDK以上*複数選択可
駐車場 無し1台必要2台以上必要
